Rundi (en) "RUNDI"Name:CH. LET'S ROCK AROUND A CLOCK (Imp. Finl.)Birth date:10 July 2006Father:FIRETTE'S ON THE ROCKSMother:DIRTDIGGER'S CRUELLA DE VILColor:White/BrownCoat:BrokencoatPatella Exam.:No indication foundEye Exam.:FreePedigree:PedigreeTitles:Dutch Youth Champ. 2007, Youth Winner 2007.Bundes Jugend Sieger, VDH Europa Jugend Sieger.Deutscher Jugend Champion VDH, KfT Jugend Champion, Luxembourg Youth Champion.To the page of GalinaTo the Males pageTo the page of JacksonTo the page of LanceTo the page of Luane